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ITER Organisation Opportunities

ITER Calls are collaboration opportunities that arise within the ITER Organisation. These calls are open to companies from F4E member states who can provide the required goods or services for the ITER project. These calls aim to address the specific needs of ITER, allowing companies to contribute their knowledge and support in various areas, engaging directly with the ITER Organisation and assisting in fulfilling its objectives.

The list below only shows the relevant active ITER Organization Opportunities. Planned future ITER Organization Opportunities can be found in the Forthcoming Tenders section of the ITER Portal. Calls for which the deadline has passed can be found here.

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ITER Calls are collaboration opportunities that arise within the ITER Organisation. These calls are open to companies from F4E member states who can provide the required goods or services for the ITER project. These calls aim to address the specific needs of ITER, allowing companies to contribute their knowledge and support in various areas, engaging directly with the ITER Organisation and assisting in fulfilling its objectives.

Call for Nomination: A Call for Nomination is a process through which ITER solicit bids or proposals from interested suppliers or contractors within the territory of its Domestic Agencies to provide goods, services, or works. The candidates proposed by F4E must be established in the territory of an F4E Member and have work experience, expertise, competence, and references suitable for the nature of the particular Call for Tender (CfN). The ITER Organisation will then invite them to pre-qualify for the subsequent call for tender. Suitable candidates shall express their interest by filling in a Company Info Template for each of the published Calls for Nomination and sending it to ITER-Calls@f4e.europa.eu. F4E will then prepare a list of the companies eligible which will be invited to pre-qualify by the ITER Organisation. You may find the latest CfN published, as well as all the information needed for application, on this page.

Call for Expertise (CFE): A call for expertise is a process through which ITER seeks to engage directly with external experts or organisations to provide specialised knowledge or advice in a specific area. It is typically used when ITER requires expert input, consultation, or review of technical, scientific, or operational matters. The call for expertise aims to identify and select individuals or organisations with relevant expertise and experience to contribute to the specific needs of ITER. The candidates shall send the application directly to the IO Procurement Officer in charge of the call indicated in the Expression of Interest form which can be found on the dedicated website.

ITER - Open Tender (OT): An open tender is a competitive procurement process used by ITER to solicit bids or proposals from interested suppliers or contractors to provide goods, services, or works. It is typically used when ITER needs to acquire specific products, equipment, construction services, or other contractual services. The candidates shall send the application directly to the IO Procurement Officer in charge of the call indicated in the Expression of Interest form which can be found on the dedicated website.

Once ITER has received your expression of interest, you will be invited to participate via their procurement portal I-PROC based on the SAP Ariba solution. If you are not yet registered with ITER on I-PROC, please use the below link to submit your “Self-Supplier Request” form:

IProc(ariba.com) The ITER team will check the data and have the Ariba system send you an invitation email to further complete your registration.

ITER Market Surveys: An ITER Market Survey is not exactly a call but a survey published by ITER to evaluate the market situation and to identify candidate suppliers having the interest, knowledge and capacity related to the supply of specific products or services. The details for participation in an ITER Market Survey are published on the dedicated website.

Historical ITER Calls can be found on the ITER portal.

Please find listed below the relevant active ITER Organisation Opportunities:

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Title and Reference Type Step Issue Date Deadline
Splicer Assembly (IO/MS/25/YSA/SA) Market Survey 03-02-2025 24-02-2025 navigate_next
Engineering Documentation Expert for 55.GE (IO/25/CFE/10031053/CPT) Call For Expertise 06-02-2025 21-02-2025 navigate_next
Supply of Electrical Energy To The ITER Organization Via the RTE 400kV Network For The Period 2026 To 2030 Inclusive (IO/24/CFT/10030165/VML) Call for Tender Pre-Qualification 21-11-2024 10-12-2024 navigate_next
Design, manufacturing, testing, installation and commissioning of the ELM-PS (IO/24/CFT/10029880/VML) Call for Tender Pre-Qualification 17-10-2024 12-11-2024 navigate_next
Design, Manufacturing, Testing, Installation and Commissioning of the Stage 2 Main Coil Power Converters (IO/24/CFT/10030698/VML) Call for Tender Pre-Qualification 18-12-2024 24-01-2025 navigate_next
System Engineering and Integration of 55.E6 and 55.GL (IO/25/CFE/10029749/ADO) Call For Expertise 31-01-2025 10-02-2025 navigate_next
Design, Manufacturing, Integration, Commissioning and Maintenance of ITER Control System (IO/24/CFT/70001203/LLU) Call for Tender Pre-Qualification 22-11-2024 13-12-2024 navigate_next
Neutral Beam Magnetometer Development (NB Magnetic Sensor) (IO/MS/25/NB/JPK) Market Survey 22-01-2025 19-02-2025 navigate_next
Manufacturing and Qualification of Specialized Components for the ITER Visible Spectroscopy Reference System (IO/24/CFT/70001061/AJI) Call for Tender Pre-Qualification 24-05-2024 12-06-2024 navigate_next
Test, prototyping and manufacture of electrical harnesses for diagnostics (IO/23/CFT/70001000/AJI) Call for Tender Pre-Qualification 17-08-2023 18-03-2024 navigate_next