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Fusion for Energy
Industry and Fusion Laboratories Portal
Information Days
Title CRYO & FUEL CYCLE: F4E and Eurofusion Tritium Mapping Workshop Invitation
CategoryInformation Days

Fusion for Energy is pleased to announce a new initiative co-organized with Eurofusion:  the Fuel Cycle Technology Mapping Workshop.

The aim is to map and to characterize relevant technologies and to co-create a technology development roadmap in the Fuel Cycle domain. It will also be a great opportunity for all actors in the field to network and share knowledge.

The workshop will be held on February 6th (remotely) and March 19th and 20th (in person in Barcelona). It will cover vacuum pumping, fuel purification, storage and injection, isotope separation, water detritiation and tritium management. Tritium breeding technologies such as blanket modules and Li enrichment are out of scope.

Registration is opened to interested parties from academia, fusion laboratories, industry, and start-ups established in the European Union, the UK and Switzerland.

If you wish to have a say in future technology development for fusion fuel cycles, register now. You can find more details about the event here. We look forward to your active participation!

Date of publication 22-01-25
Deadline 21-03-25