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Market Surveysinfo

Reference / News title Categories Date
CRYO & FUEL CYCLE: Leak Detection System Market Survey Market Surveys 24-01-25
JT60SA: Tungsten Tiles and Monoblocks Supply Market Survey Market Surveys 23-01-25
TBM: Market Survey on TBM Ancillary systems #3 - Water Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket System (WCLL-TBS) Lead Lithium loop (LLP). Market Surveys 22-01-25
IN-VESSEL: Tungsten Mock-Ups High Heat Flux Testing Market Survey Market Surveys 22-01-25
HEATING AND CURRENT DRIVE - Magnetic Shielding - Drawings Market Surveys 09-12-24
OPERATIONAL SUPPORT: Admin. and Operational Support Market Survey Market Surveys 15-11-24
CRYO & FUEL CYCLE: REMS Presentation Update Market Surveys 18-10-24
TDP Market Survey #2 for Feasibility study to manufacture Tungsten to CuCrZr gradient joints Market Surveys 10-07-24
BUILDINGS: Hot Cell Facility Market Survey - EXTENDED DEADLINE TO 15th September EOB Market Surveys 28-08-24
TDP Market Survey #1 for R&D on a Personal Monitor for Tritiated Vapor in Air Market Surveys 17-06-24
TBM: Market Survey on Design and Manufacturing of the WCLL-TBS Water Cooling System and Coolant Purification System Market Surveys 14-05-24
DIAGNOSTICS: Collective Thomson Scattering Worldwide Market Survey Market Surveys 11-04-24
CRYO & FUEL CYCLE: LN2 Cryolines Market Survey Market Surveys 10-04-24
IO Market Survey for the Supply of Visible Survey Spectroscopy System Market Surveys 04-04-24
IO Market Survey for the Sector Modules In Pit Assembly (SMPA) works at ITER Site. Market Surveys 26-03-24
CRYO & FUEL CYCLE: Neutral Beam Cryopumps Market Survey Market Surveys 25-03-24
JT60SA: Market Survey on Integration of the JT60SA Actively Cooled Divertor *** LAST DAYS TO ANSWER *** Market Surveys 13-05-24
IO Market Survey for the Design, Manufacturing, Testing, Qualification, and Delivery of the VVPSS Valves Market Surveys 27-02-24
TBM: Market Survey on Design and Manufacturing of Tritium Systems of the ITER Test Blanket System (TBS) DEADLINE TO ANSWER ON 20 MARCH 2024 EOB Market Surveys 08-03-24
IO Market Survey for the Manufacturing of Diagnostic Generic Port Plug Structures (Upper and Equatorial) Market Surveys 08-01-24
IN-VESSEL: Tungsten Tiles Supply And Bonding Market Survey Market Surveys 12-12-23
HEATING AND CURRENT DRIVE - Magnetic Shielding Lead Plates Market Surveys 04-12-23
IO Market Survey for "Supply of CHWS-1B Air Cooled Chillers" Market Surveys 04-12-23
ITER Org - Market Survey on the Supply of Spectral Calibration System Market Surveys 06-10-23
HEATING AND CURRENT DRIVE - Magnetic Shielding Market Survey Market Surveys 08-08-23
TEST BLANKET MODULES: Eurofer97 Plates, Bars, and Tubes Market Survey Market Surveys 09-06-23
BUILDINGS [OPE-1496] Market Survey Architect Engineer II Market Surveys 23-05-23
BUILDINGS [OMF-1487] Market Survey Market Surveys 14-05-23