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Updates on F4E Calls
Title TDP Call For Tenders: OPE-1775 and OPE-1776
CategoryUpdates on F4E Calls

F4E has published two TDP Call For Tenders:

OPE-1775 (CRYOPLANT AND FUEL CYCLE): This tender involves developing a prototype of a wearable real-time tritium concentration in air monitor discriminating tritiated water vapor from tritiated hydrogen gas.

OPE-1776 (IN VESSEL): This tender involves a feasibility study to demonstrate an industrial manufacturing route for plasma-facing material, with Tungsten (W) as the top armor joined to CuCrZr as the heat sink.

The application period closes on the 19th of December 2024.

To apply, please follow the LINK.

Date of publication 12-11-24
Deadline 19-12-24